What is And That’s Anime?
In the vibrant tapestry of online discoveries, two friends embarked on an adventure that would change
the way anime enthusiasts expressed their passion. Fuelled by a shared love for anime and a desire to
redefine the landscape of anime-themed fashion, they founded And Thats Anime, a haven for both
seasoned otakus and anime newcomers.
One day, as we scoured the depths of the internet in search of clothing that resonated with our anime-loving
souls, we stumbled upon a glaring void. There were no brands that catered to newcomers like us, individuals
who craved subtle yet elegant expressions of their newfound anime fascination. It was in this moment of
realization that the spark of And Thats Anime was ignited.
With a shared Eureka moment, we envisioned a brand that would bridge the gap between anime culture
and fashion, offering a sanctuary for both hardcore anime aficionados and those taking their first steps
into this captivating world. Thus, And Thats Anime was born—a forward-thinking clothing brand
founded in India with a vision to transform the anime clothing scene.